I have been an admirer of Mary Ward since my days as a 10-year-old pupil at the Mary Ward School in Nymphenburg, Munich, Germany. Realizing that lay people are called to keep the fire burning which the sisters have kept alive for many centuries, I suggested the International Mary Ward Week in 2010, and with the wonderful support of the sisters and many likeminded friends many fascinating projects developed subsequently. It is my aim to offer opportunities of development and increase networking and co-operation between lay people, schools, indeed anyone interested in Mary Ward’s legacy and spirituality, which is also the reason why I felt the need for this website. |
Long before I heard the name Mary Ward, I understood who she was by meeting and working with the IBVM Loretto Sisters in the United States Province. Through my years in ministry with the sisters, I have come to deeply appreciate the virtues of Mary Ward. I believe the role of the lay community is vital and that we all strive to take the voice and vision of Mary Ward out into the world. My hope is that through this website and the Mary Ward Family Digital Directory we will embrace our global presence and better support one another.